Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible–such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek 38-39)–“deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “sign of the times.”
Are we currently living in the Age of Apostasy? Ron Matsen explores the evidence and causes of apostasy and provides an antidote for apostasy in this timely study.
This briefing pack contains 2 hours of teaching.
© 2012 Koinonia House Inc.
Ron Matsen 
With over 30 years in the pastoral ministry, Ron has taught verse-by verse through the Bible many times, hosted a live two-hour TV programme broadcast across Europe for more than two years, and taught extensively on the subjects of evangelism, leadership, and end-times topics. Although Ron and his wife are native Californians, they moved to England in 1992 and in 2011 immigrated to New Zealand where they partnered with Chuck Missler at the ministry base, The River Lodge. Ron is currently the President of Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute.