The Good News Bundle includes The Love of God, The Gospel and The Great Commission by Ron Matsen in one bundle!
This bundle contains 6 hours of teaching.
The Love of God
Every major theistic religion in the world encourages its followers to “Love God” which is usually expressed through religious rituals. Christianity alone tells its followers that “God Loves them.” This love is understood and enjoyed through a personal relationship with Him. God’s Love for us creates a Love for God which creates a Love for God’s ways.
- What is Love and where can we find it?
- If God is a loving god, why is there suffering in the world?
- Why does God love us?
Join Ron Matsen in the Executive Briefing Room of the River Lodge, New Zealand as he explores the subject of “The Love of God”. Beginning with a study that unpacks 1 John 3:1 word-by-word to discover the incredible message of God’s Love for mankind. Ron then examines how God displays that Love to a lost and dying world.
The Gospel: The Message of Reconciliation
One of the last instructions given by Jesus to the Church was, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” (Mark 16:15)
The fact is most Christians don’t know how to share their faith effectively. Sadly, many of the people they know in the world today are wandering around, lost and without hope, having never heard the wonderful Message of Reconciliation.
- How would you answer the question, “What must I do to be saved?”
- What are the essential facts, demands and promises of the Gospel?
- Why are we told to evangelize?
Join Ron Matsen in the Executive Briefing Room of the River Lodge, New Zealand as he explores the subject of “The Gospel — The Message of Reconciliation” and gives practical insight into how to share the essential doctrines of salvation.
The Great Commission
The last commandment of Jesus before His ascension was for His disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The apostle Paul tells us, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”
- How seriously should we personally take this command today?
- Is this command somehow only limited to those who feel they have the gift of evangelism?
- What needs to be said, understood, and believed for a person to be born-again?
Join Ron Matsen in the Executive Briefing Room of the River Lodge, New Zealand as he explores the subject of “The Great Commission” and gives practical insight into this calling to every Christian. After all, it’s a matter of LIFE and DEATH to those waiting to hear your message of reconciliation.
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