Timothy, Titus & Philemon: Commentary Handbook

Timothy, Titus & Philemon: Commentary Handbook

  • $2.60

Handbook (paperback study notes) - $21.74 ($25.00 incl. GST) (Sold Out)
Handbook (pdf download) - $2.60 ($2.99 incl. GST)
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Chuck Missler examines the 'pastoral epistles' of I & II Timothy, Titus and Philemon messages not just to pastors, but to all believers. The key to effectiveness in any venture is special counsel from an experienced mentor who has personally succeeded in the field. These four epistles, I & II Timothy, Titus and Philemon, are the Apostle Paul's private letters counseling two of his two closest proteges. They are known as the "Pastoral Epistles", but they are not just for pastors; they are for every believer, because we are all "in the ministry".

    Copyright © 01-01-2008

    This study handbook is a great companion to Dr. Chuck Missler’s Commentary on Timothy, Titus & Philemon and contains a collection of Chuck’s notes, Bible insights, facts, and related information.

    Book  |  Chuck Missler  |  commentary  |  ebook  |  New Testament  |  Philemon  |  Timothy  |  Titus

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