Way of the Master: Witnessing Made Simple - Book

Way of the Master: Witnessing Made Simple - Book

  • $23.48

Book - $23.48 ($27.00 incl. GST)
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Student Edition

This adaptation of the bestselling book The Way of the Master has been written for today's youth.

Youth today are being inundated with opposing messages, and desperately need to hear the truth of the gospel. How can you reach them? Sharing the good news is much easier than you think . . . by using some timeless principles. When actor Kirk Cameron heard the teaching presented in this book, he said that it “rocked” his world. He then joined forces with Ray Comfort to get this message to the Church—producing an award-winning television program, based on its contents, that would be broadcast in almost 200 countries. 

Way of the Master: Student Edition, by Ray Comfort and youth ministry expert Allen Atzbi, sheds light on an almost forgotten biblical key, using a fresh approach that’s appealing to young people. This key is so rooted in Scripture that once you see it you will forever wonder how you could have missed it. It is the biblical principle of bypassing the intellect (the place of argument) and speaking directly to the conscience (the place of the knowledge of right and wrong)—the way Jesus did. Teens will learn how to share their faith, answer tough questions, and overcome their fears, enabling them to experience the joy of reaching their friends and family for Christ.

Each chapter includes a Study Guide with thought-provoking questions as well as interactive activities, making this ideal for either individual or group use.

Please Note: The views and opinions expressed within are not necessarily those of Koinonia House.

101  |  Allen Atzbi  |  Book  |  Christian Living  |  Ray Comfort

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